
Filtered by: Progress Report

George Marques George Marques  - 22 July 2018

Optional typing in GDScript

Exposing the new addition to GDScript: optional type hints and all the perks it brings.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 17 July 2018

Godot 3.1 will get many improvements to KinematicBody

One of the features that make Godot stand out is how easy it is to use the physics engine for non-physics games. For Godot 3.1, several improvements are being worked on.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 14 July 2018

Visual Shader Editor is back

After some weeks of work, the new visual shader editor is ready for testing!

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 26 June 2018

Godot gets new Animation Tree + State Machine

After a long time coming, and as part of this trend of modernizing many old godot subsystems, the animation tree has been rewritten from scratch and it's now brand new, with plenty of new features.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  -  7 June 2018

Godot gets a brand new animation editor (with cinematic support)

The existing animation system in Godot was already one of the most powerful of any game engine, but its age was starting to show (it was written 10 years ago and barely improved). The new one builds upon the strengths of the previous one but does massive improvements to features and usability.

karroffel karroffel  -  6 June 2018

GLES2 and GDNative, progress report #6

The GLES2 backend is getting closer and closer to completion, this progress report shows a detailed overview of the steps taken to implement PBR.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 19 May 2018

Godot gets a new Inspector

Work is ongoing to completely overhaul Godot inspector. This was a pending assignment for me since even before Godot was open sourced but, as always, other issued had priority.

Andrea Catania Andrea Catania  - 16 May 2018

Godot's ragdoll system

Godot 3.1 is getting many improvements on the physics side, and one of those is the new ragdoll system. Physics maintainer Andrea Catania presents the work he did on this topic and how to get started with physical bones and ragdoll simulation.

karroffel karroffel  -  7 May 2018

GLES2 and GDNative, progress report #5

The progress of last month was largely defined by stabilizing the 3D renderer with many smaller fixes, but work on the PRB side of things has begun and the GDNative system also saw some quality-of-life changes again, with improvements to the GDNativeLibrary resource as well as an API to provide safe type-casting in NativeScript.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  -  4 May 2018

Godot gets 2D skeletal deform

Currently, Godot is pretty comfortable for doing 2D cutout animation, with several games in development making use of this feature. A very common request, though, was the ability to do custom mesh deformation based on the same bones used to animate separate parts. This would allow deforming such parts, for a more organic animation feel.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 28 April 2018

Godot gets CSG support

After years of discussion on how to implement CSG, Godot finally gets suport for it. This implementation is simple, but makes use of Godot's amazing architecture to shine.

George Marques George Marques  - 24 April 2018

Godot in Google Summer of Code 2018

Godot has been accepted into the Google Summer of Code program in 2018. This summer we will have 5 students working on new features to the engine.

Gilles Roudiere Gilles Roudiere  - 22 April 2018

Introducing the new axis handling system

For the past months, popular demand has been growing for a way to propery map controller axes in Godot. For a long time Godot was only able to map a single event to an action, making it impossible to deal with analog strengths. Today (after months of discussions), this problem has been solved, and it only took very little amount of changes to the current input mapping system!

karroffel karroffel  - 16 April 2018

GLES2 and GDNative, progress report #4

Latest update on the GLES2 and GDNative developments. This month, a lot of time has been spend on refactoring the way materials work together with shaders, but also the C++ bindings got some nice new make-up!

karroffel karroffel  - 21 March 2018

GLES2 and GDNative, progress report #3

Another month, another progress report! This time with the early beginnings of 3D rendering in GLES2 and some GDNative ecosystem updates.

Bastiaan Olij Bastiaan Olij  - 21 February 2018

Update on recent VR developments

Godot VR support is slowly improving. The OpenVR drivers are now supplied through the asset library and we have the first version of our Oculus drivers available!

karroffel karroffel  - 12 February 2018

GLES2 and GDNative, progress report #2

Because of the big release there have been many GDNative related tasks that needed to be addressed. Apart from that, the month was mostly spent on implementing more 2D items in the renderer as well as working on getting custom shaders running.

karroffel karroffel  - 23 January 2018

GLES2 and GDNative, progress report #1

Thanks to our very supporting patrons I have the opportunity to work part-time on Godot! My work will be mostly about implementing an OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible rendering backend for Godot 3.1, as well as maintaining the GDNative system and bindings. The first month I spent on getting started and familiar with the rendering in Godot.

karroffel karroffel  -  2 January 2018

A look at the GDNative architecture

GDNative changed a lot since it was first introduced. From being a scripting-centered module it quickly became a more general purpose tool than we initially assumed. Here we present the way GDNative and related technologies work together.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 14 December 2017

Introducing the new "last minute" lightmapper

A considerable number of users requested a more efficient way to have GI (Global Illumination) in their projects. Godot 3.0 currenty offers the GIProbe node, which provides a real-time approximation to GI. This generally works and looks pretty, but it's quite shader intensive, which makes it not work on mobile or low end GPUs. The newly added VR support also suffers with GIProbe, as it has to render in very high resolutions.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 26 November 2017

Introducing onion skinning for the Godot game engine

Right on time before Beta Freeze, our superstar contributor Pedro Estebanez completed Onion Skinning support! This implementation is really good, and allows visualizing future and past frames. This helps animators have a much greater deal of control on repositioning objects on every frame.

Bastiaan Olij Bastiaan Olij  -  6 November 2017

Godot 3's VR and AR support

The past year we've been hard at work behind the scenes adding support for AR and VR to Godot. Support for basic mobile VR and full support for OpenVR is ready for Alpha 2. OpenHMD support is being worked on and we have a working ARKit implementation.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  -  5 November 2017

Godot 3.0 switches to Bullet for physics

When Godot started (a decade ago), there were not many good physics engine available and Godot always had quite demanding API requirements for them (such as Area nodes, KinematicBody, RayCast shapes, etc.), so they were not usable without a lot of modification. This led us to implementing our own custom engine. Now, thanks to the work of Andrea Catania, we are introducing Bullet as a new and better maintained backend for the 3D physics!

Ignacio Roldán Etcheverry Ignacio Roldán Etcheverry  - 21 October 2017

Introducing C# in Godot

The next alpha release of Godot 3.0 is about to be published and it will be the first version that ships with C# support. This post gives an introduction to C# scripting in Godot and how to use it in your project.