
Filtered by: News

Fabio Alessandrelli Fabio Alessandrelli  - 29 May 2020

Godot Editor running in a web browser

Bringing the Godot Editor to the web: lowering the barrier for newcomers while enhancing the HTML5 export.

George Marques George Marques  - 16 March 2020

Student applications for GSoC 2020 open today

Applications to the Google Summer of Code 2020 are open. As a participant organization, we share some tips to students on how to write their proposals.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 26 February 2020

Call for volunteers for organizing regional communities

Godot communities keep growing steadily around the world. As a result, in the past years, many local groups related to Godot usage and development have started to appear in different continents, countries and cities. We now start a Regional Communities team to connect those groups together and give them better visibility on official Godot platforms.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 11 February 2020

Headsup: Vulkan merged, master branch unstable

Godot 3.2 was released two weeks ago, and it's now time to go full steam ahead towards our next milestone, Godot 4.0. The Vulkan port which had been worked on in a dedicated branch is now getting merged in our main development branch, which has a few implications on what to expect from the 'master' branch and how pending Pull Requests will be impacted.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  -  7 February 2020

Submissions open for Godot 2020 showreel

Showcase your game in the upcoming 2020 Godot showreel!

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  -  3 February 2020

Godot Engine was awarded an Epic MegaGrant

With great excitement, today we want to officially announce the great honor of having been awarded an Epic MegaGrant!

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 31 December 2019

A decade in retrospective and future

The dawn of a new decade looms and there is a lot of excitement about the future of Godot! But it was not always like this, as the previous decade did not go as expected..

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 12 December 2019

New Godot T-shirt design: Call for content

In preparation for the next GodotCon in February 2020, we're planning to make new T-shirts with Godot branding to sell to contributors and engine users, as well as visitors at FOSDEM. This year, we'd like to give our wonderful community the opportunity to contribute T-shirt concepts that we could choose from, so that our 2020 T-shirt design is as good as it can be!

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 20 November 2019

Interblock supports Godot development

We are happy to announce that Interblock is now supporting Godot's development as Platinum sponsor! For this occasion, we asked them to share some words about the company, why they choose to support Godot and their plans to use the engine for their products.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  -  4 November 2019

Code of Conduct for the Godot community

The Godot community now has a Code of Conduct, which applies to all users and contributors on all Godot community platforms, both online and at Godot-related events. It defines common sense guidelines to ensure that our community platforms are a safe and welcoming environment for all Godot users. By interacting with other participants in the Godot community, you agree to respect the terms of the Code of Conduct.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  -  2 October 2019

Heroic Labs supports Godot development

We are happy to announce that Heroic Labs is now supporting Godot's development as Platinum sponsor! For this occasion, we asked Heroic Labs co-founder Mo Firouz to write some words about the company, why they choose to support Godot and their plans to integrate Nakama with our engine.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 18 September 2019

George Marques will be working full time for the project

After some months, the project has received enough funding to be able to do a new full time hire! Thanks hugely to everyone who is supporting us, as your help has allowed us reaching this far!

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  -  4 September 2019

Introducing the Godot Proposals repository

The past two years, the project kept growing at a steady pace. One of the most important consequences of this growth process is that our GitHub issue tracker has exploded with ideas, proposals and bug reports.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  - 11 April 2019

Godot Engine awarded $50,000 by Mozilla Open Source Support program

We are delighted to announce that Godot Engine has been awarded USD 50,000 by Mozilla as part of the Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) Mission Partners program. This award will be used to fund the work of some of our core contributors on three different work packages, all linked with Mozilla's mission of furthering an open and accessible Web. For Godot, this means making sure that everyone can build and play networked and browser-based games with open source technology.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  -  1 April 2019

Godot Engine to go public in 2019

APRIL FOOLS' DAY JOKE! -- We hear you and we understand your concerns. You feel like Godot, in the end, is not "public" enough. Worry no longer! Today we announce that Godot will go public this year.

Nathan GDQuest Nathan GDQuest  - 31 January 2019

GDquest Kickstarter Stretch Goals, Free Tutorials and Demos

The Kickstarter got funded in 4 days! We're hard at work on new tutorials and demos you can get right now. We've also announced 3 stretch goals to contribute more Free content for the entire community.

Nathan GDQuest Nathan GDQuest  - 18 January 2019

GDquest Kickstarter: learn 2d and 3d game creation with Godot

We are crowdfunding 2d and 3d training series for Godot once again! With our last campaign, we made both paid and free tutorials, contributed to the official documentation, and to Godot's demos. We want to do more, but for that, we need your help.

Nathan GDQuest Nathan GDQuest  -  6 January 2019

Introducing Japanese indies to Godot

Godot isn't well-known in Japan just yet, like in many other countries all around the world. I got the chance to present it to indie developers in Tokyo and in Kyoto. Here's a quick report and an example of how you can help raise awareness about the engine where you are.

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 23 November 2018

Godot Patreon and goals updated, help us hire Pedro Estébanez

It has been a year since we started actively asking for donations. Thanks to that, I could work paid for an entire year so far (which has resultend in dozens of new features and helping a huge amount of contributors).

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 19 November 2018

Will your contribution be merged? Here's how to tell

The pull request workflow is great, because it allows proposing changes to the codebase in a way where they can be evaluated, reviewed (with feedback) and eventually merged or rejected. Despite this, a large amount of pull requests get rejected for reasons that are often unclear to new contributors, so this article aims at clarifying the process and underlying motives for PR reviewers' decisions.

Nathan GDQuest Nathan GDQuest  -  5 November 2018

Open ARPG and JRPG demos on GDquest

Join our Open Projects on GDquest! Moving forward, we want to code great game demos together, have fun, learn, and produce better educational resources for the entire community.

Nathan GDQuest Nathan GDQuest  -  5 October 2018

Godot Slides: gamified slideshows made in Godot

Build beautiful and gamified presentations with Godot Slides 2.0! The project ships with a 10 minutes multilingual pitch for you to give at gamedev meetups and other events, to introduce students to the engine... It's all drag-and-drop and, as you'd expect, open source.

Rémi Verschelde Rémi Verschelde  -  1 October 2018

Become a Godot contributor for Hacktoberfest 2018

Hacktoberfest 2018 has started, and you can contribute to Godot to earn a T-shirt (and experience!). Digital Ocean and GitHub sponsor this event that encourages everyone to contribute to any free and open source project on GitHub, including Godot's repositories. All pull requests count, so you can work either on the engine source code or on the documentation - there are things to do for everyone!

Juan Linietsky Juan Linietsky  - 21 September 2018

Welcoming our new gold sponsor: ImageCampus

Godot gets a new Gold sponsor! In this case, we are welcoming Image Campus, an education institution located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which specializes in animation, digital art and video games.