Edit of asset "GsomConsole" Accepted

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Title GsomConsole GsomConsole
Description A Half-Life 1 inspired console for Godot projects.
There is a singleton and optional UI (that doesn't autoload).
It's also possible to craft your own UI instead.
Future versions may provide additional UI implementations as well.

The core idea: you have CVARs (console variables) and CMDs (commands).
You can use CVARs as global variables and settings. CMDs are like global events/signals.

Supported variable types: [code]bool, int, float, String[/code] - the variable type
is determined when it is registered with an initial value.
After that, new values are interpreted as being of that type.

[code]GsomConsole.register_cvar("test", 5, "Description.")[/code] - will register an [code]int[/code] CVAR.

● [code]test[/code] -> output 5
● [code]test 6[/code] -> now [code]test[/code] is [code]6[/code]
● [code]test 7.1[/code] -> now test is [code]7[/code] because it is [code]int[/code]

Registering commands simply declares them for future calls. The console
doesn't do anything specific per CMD call - only emits the [code]called_cmd[/code] signal.

[code]GsomConsole.register_cmd("do_something", "Description.")[/code] - will register the [code]do_something[/code] CMD.

● [code]do_something[/code] -> will emit [code]called_cmd.emit("do_something", [])[/code].
● [code]do_something abc -1 20 true 3.3[/code] -> will
emit [code]called_cmd.emit("do_something", ["abc", "-1", "20", "true", "3.3"])[/code].
A Half-Life 1 inspired console for Godot projects.
There is a singleton and optional UI (that doesn't autoload).
It's also possible to craft your own UI instead.
Future versions may provide additional UI implementations as well.

The core idea: you have CVARs (console variables) and CMDs (commands).
You can use CVARs as global variables and settings. CMDs are like global events/signals.

Supported variable types: `bool, int, float, String` - the variable type
is determined when it is registered with an initial value.
After that, new values are interpreted as being of that type.

`GsomConsole.register_cvar("test", 5, "Description.")` - will register an `int` CVAR.

* `test` -> output 5
* `test 6` -> now `test` is `6`
* `test 7.1` -> now test is `7` because it is `int`

Registering commands simply declares them for future calls. The console
doesn't do anything specific per CMD call - only emits the `called_cmd` signal.

`GsomConsole.register_cmd("do_something", "Description.")` - will register the `do_something` CMD.

* `do_something` -> will emit `called_cmd.emit("do_something", [])`.
* `do_something abc -1 20 true 3.3` -> will
emit `called_cmd.emit("do_something", ["abc", "-1", "20", "true", "3.3"])`.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/raub/gsom_console https://github.com/raub/gsom_console
Issues Url https://github.com/raub/gsom_console/issues https://github.com/raub/gsom_console/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 0.0.2 0.0.1
Download Commit ad7af0f54f5f1dea275549a48d565aebff3893ec 4df1c63567c2d01cb2e86ba3b4dc38c406572457
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/raub/gsom_console/archive/ad7af0f54f5f1dea275549a48d565aebff3893ec.zip https://github.com/raub/gsom_console/archive/4df1c63567c2d01cb2e86ba3b4dc38c406572457.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raub/gsom_console/0.0.1/icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raub/gsom_console/0.0.1/gdignore/screenshot_1.jpg
Thumbnail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raub/gsom_console/0.0.1/gdignore/thumbnail_1.jpg
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raub/gsom_console/0.0.1/gdignore/screenshot_2.jpg
Thumbnail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raub/gsom_console/0.0.1/gdignore/thumbnail_2.jpg