Edit of asset "CineCam" Accepted

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Title CineCam CineCam
Description CineCam is a plugin that provides a simple but powerful method to deal with multi-camera systems and animating camera transitions. It aims to allow the user to replicate real life cinematographic movement in 3D scenes, offering advanced camera control and a transition systems integrated seamlessly with the Godot Editor. CineCam is a plugin that provides a simple but powerful method to deal with multi-camera systems and animating camera transitions. It aims to allow the user to replicate real life cinematographic movement in 3D scenes, offering advanced camera control and a transition systems integrated seamlessly with the Godot Editor.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/PotatoGolden76/cinecam https://github.com/PotatoGolden76/cinecam
Issues Url https://github.com/PotatoGolden76/cinecam/issues https://github.com/PotatoGolden76/cinecam/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 9d0abd80135f97e53faae751eddc144b7beaeaae f58d2b20c017161a15e601c16ca17386ed50fccc
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/PotatoGolden76/cinecam/archive/9d0abd80135f97e53faae751eddc144b7beaeaae.zip https://github.com/PotatoGolden76/cinecam/archive/f58d2b20c017161a15e601c16ca17386ed50fccc.zip
Icon Url https://i.imgur.com/S7Km3OC.png