Edit of asset "Godot Aerodynamic Physics" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Godot Aerodynamic Physics
Description Provides nodes for aerodynamic simulation.

To get started, add an `AeroBody3D` node to your scene, and add as many `AeroInfluencer3D` nodes as necessary.

For Godot Asset Library installs:
Ensure that addon files are installed inside res://addons/godot_aerodynamic_physics
This folder structure allows for this plugin to be used as a git submodule, because of this, Godot does not automatically install it to the correct path.
Provides nodes for aerodynamic simulation.

For Godot Asset Library installs:
Ensure that addon files are installed inside res://addons/godot_aerodynamic_physics
This folder structure allows for this plugin to be used as a git submodule, because of this, Godot does not automatically install it to the correct path.

To get started, add an `AeroBody3D` node to your scene, and add as many `AeroInfluencer3D` nodes as necessary.

It is suggested to set `center_of_mass_mode` to `CENTER_OF_MASS_MODE_CUSTOM` for weight balancing.

Simulation may become unstable with some combination of: mass too low, aero surfaces too large, or simulation sub-steps too low (advanced project settings path: "physics/3d/aerodynamics/substeps") Make sure `mass` has been configured, otherwise increase `physics/3d/aerodynamics/substeps` in project settings
Category 3D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/addmix/godot_aerodynamic_physics
Issues Url https://github.com/addmix/godot_aerodynamic_physics/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 0.4.3
Download Commit 0c7f0478214707624ca06116f2c70043b0e0b334 bc0706fdb4ffab8d012e292887a22cc870c4304b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/addmix/godot_aerodynamic_physics/archive/0c7f0478214707624ca06116f2c70043b0e0b334.zip https://github.com/addmix/godot_aerodynamic_physics/archive/bc0706fdb4ffab8d012e292887a22cc870c4304b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/addmix/godot_aerodynamic_physics/main/icon.png